Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Keegan Douglas

So this handsome little cowboy just so happens to be one of my favorite little guys in the world. He belongs to my good friend Ashley and her husband Kyle. I took these in June at the 4H horse show in town. Ashley was busy with her lesson kids (and I mean busy) and I just kind of followed Keegan around with the camera. He and his Uncle Landice both had on their shorts and cowboy boots. The cup he has stuck to his mouth...is no MORE!. He has been weaned from his "sippy", so these pics are nice reminders of that faithful cup he loved so much. He is 3 and never stops amazing us with his phrases and pronunciation of his words. He can also tell you just about where everyone he knows lives! It's a good day when I see little Keegan and to hear him call me Ashes, as he does everytime...well it makes my heart smile. I love you Keegs!

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